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Bits of intelligence

using Glenn Doman method

Bits of intelligence cards are a set of thematically linked flash cards, thanks to which we can naturally convey to a child commonly known facts and encyclopedic knowledge. They are designed to stimulate the visual path of a small child, expand their knowledge and train his memory.

These are, for example: vegetables, paintings by famous artists, dinosaurs, musical instruments, symbols, continents, precious stones, hours, flowers and much more.

The Baby Bits platform gives access to the largest database of intelligence bits. In addition, access to the program also gives you the ability to use newly added lessons and beats.

For people who do not want to present cards on a computer, we offer the option of printing cards (previously adapted in the program).
The most unique feature – unavailable in competing solutions of this type, is the ability to adjust the font (color, font, size), replace pictures in cards and display speed.

For example, if you change the font color or its size in the lesson and use the “Print” function, you will print exactly the modified cards as you expect

According to Glenn Doman flashcards with bits of intelligence have to be:






One bit in our platform consists of a name read by an embedded voice (various options to choose) and a picture showing the presented phrase in a clear way.